Ongoing Events
Ganitha Mela (Click or Scroll to Explore)
To celebrate National Mathematics Day, VVP, tAcT, S2S and KSCST are organising a week-long Mathematics Fair
Explore@Home Math (Click or Scroll to Explore)
a short online math workshop for interested students.
Recent Events
Science week (26th Feb- 6th March) (Click or Scroll to Explore)
Engaging experience for students & teachers on scientific & mathematical thinking and other subject process skills.
Explore@Home 2.0(Click or Scroll to Explore)
Online sessions on Science and Maths for S2S alumni (students who have earlier participated in S2S session) using common material around you. We strongly believe these sessions will take you to the next level and help you conduct independent scientific and mathematical explorations.
Explore@Home: Curio(Click or Scroll to Explore)
This festive season, we are going on an exciting journey of exploration and discovery with an array of hand-picked themes.
Biology Explorers (Click or Scroll to Explore)
Hop on with us on this exciting journey as we attempt to find answers to the fundamental questions in biology.
Treasure Hunt on a Chessboard (Click or Scroll to Explore)
Fancy a Treasure Hunt on a Chessboard with no pieces? Join us for a fun-filled 90-minute online session .
The joy of learning Science (Click or Scroll to Explore)
A session to experience scientific process through a joyful process.
Virtual Nature Walk(Click or Scroll to Explore)
Take a peek into the world of butterflies, insects and plants.
Dialogue on Learning: Math(Click or Scroll to Explore)
A workshop, for math teachers, that focuses on constructivist approach to inculcate mathematical thinking and other skills along with the spirit of discovery.
The Teachers' Corner(Click or Scroll to Explore)
A monthly collaborative space to share research-backed ideas and experiences on teaching.
QuestFest (Click or Scroll to Explore)
a unique contest where we celebrate your observations, questions and more.

Ganitha Mela 2023
5 days of Mathematical Fun!
This year, to celebrate National Mathematics Day, Vishwa Vidyapeeth, the Academy Trust, Seed2Sapling Education and Karnataka State Council for Science and Technology are organising a week-long "Ganitha Mela" (Mathematics Fair) at Vishwa Vidyapeeth School (Takshashila campus), Yelahanka, for school students and the general public from 18-22 December 2023 (Monday to Friday). Each day of the event will feature math-related activities and cultural programs for all age groups, to explore the ubiquitous presence of mathematical phenomena in everyday life.
The attached brochure will give details of all the events and brief about the esteemed dignitaries conducting different events through all the 5-days. Download Brochure
We extend a warm invitation to students, educators, families, and the entire community to join us for 'Ganitha Mela'. The event is open for everyone and fill in the form to register:
Quest Fest
We have curated a very exciting event "Quest Fest" for you.
‘Quest Fest’ contest is to celebrate simple, unique observations and questions from both students and teachers. Science often begins with a simple, unique but puzzling observation or a question. Yet, school students as well as teachers are seldom given this opportunity in our schools. The idea behind this contest is to provide them with this enriching opportunity and celebrate the process of science rather than just the results. We also have exciting prizes lined up! 🎉
To register, fill the form here:
For any further clarifications, you can reach out to us on
Science week (26th Feb- 6th March)
We have curated a variety of exciting events for you. Go ahead and pick one or more from the list...
- Science week (26th Feb- 6th March) Science is the systematic study of the world through observation, questioning and experiments. It uses qualitative and quantitative methods to understand and explain the observable phenomena. However, science in our school textbooks is often presented as a summary of facts or a set of instructed activities that needs to be performed; or in the case of math, a set of formulae to be remembered. This National Science Day, The Academy Trust, Indian Academy of Sciences in collaboration with Seed2Sapling Education aims to give students & teachers an engaging experience of scientific & mathematical thinking and other subject process skills. The details of the events can be found in the poster.
- Joy of learning: A 12 week certificate course for science and math teachers The science week celebration will be followed by other long-term engagements with teachers and students. A 12 week long certificate program will be conducted for a selected group of science and math teachers. The aim is to provide teachers opportunities to explore and experience the diverse aspects of Science and Math along with discussions & ideas on classroom implementation.
- Quest-Fest ‘Quest-Fest’ contest is to celebrate simple, unique observations and questions from both students and teachers. Science often begins with a simple, unique but puzzling observation or a question. Yet, school students as well as teachers are seldom given this opportunity in our schools. The idea behind this contest is to provide them with this enriching opportunity and celebrate the process of science rather than just the results.
To register, fill the form here:
For any further clarifications, you can reach out to us on
Biology Explorers
Stop memorizing, Start Exploring!
- 🕓 Partcipants: Open for kids aged 11-14 yrs.
- 🕓 Date: Starting 17th November, every Wednesday (7sessions)
- 🕓 Time: 04:00 PM
- 💰 Fees: ₹2500.
Hop on with us on this exciting journey as we attempt to find answers to the fundamental questions in biology like 'Where did we come from?' or 'What are the unifying features of life?' through experiments, explorations and thinking.
Session Details
Register at
Explore@Home Math
a short online math workshop for interested students. Here we will discuss topics which are not typically taught in schools. We will explore the topics in depth in a fun and engaging way.
The workshop will consist of 4 sessions on Saturdays from 4 PM to 5.30 PM. We will have limited batch size to ensure that each student receives individual attention.
- 🕓 Partcipants: Open for kids from Class 5 to Class 7.
- 🕓 Date: Date: 13 Nov 2021, every Saturday(4sessions)
- 🕓 Time: 4:00 PM to 5.30 PM
- 💰 Fees: ₹1500.
Session Details
Register at https://tinyurl.commathexplore
Treasure Hunt on a Chessboard
Fancy a Treasure Hunt on a Chessboard with no pieces? Join us for a fun-filled 90-minute online session where kids will experience the joy of math through a game that involves luck and skill. In this session, kids will learn geometry, combinatorics and develop skills like visual thinking, problem solving and critical thinking. No materials or preparation required.
- 🕓 Partcipants: Open for kids aged 9-12 yrs.
- 🕓 Date: 24 Oct 2021 (Sunday)
- 🕓 Time: 11:00 AM to 12:30 PM
- 💰 Fees: ₹100.
Session Details
Register at https://tinyurl.commathreg
Joy of learning science
Students often learn science as a book of facts to be understood or memorized. On the contrary, the process of science is full of thrill, excitement, experimenting, evidence based thinking, and sometimes the joy of discovery. The aim of this session is to experience this joy of discovery.
- Experience and share the joy of learning science.
- Enhance your scientific thinking skill set.
- Explore discovery and inquiry method.
- Becoming NEP ready.
- Professional development.
- 🕓 Date: 1st October, 2021
- 🕓 Time: 4:30 PM to 6:00 PM
- 💰 Fees: Free.
Session Highlights
Register at
Virtual Nature Walk
This teacher's day lets go on an exploration outdoors.... (Virtually😌)
Join Ravi Jambhekar (an ecologist) and Mrinal Shah (a nature enthusiast) from the Seed2Sapling Education team, as they go on a trail exploring and wondering about 🌿plants, 🦋butterflies, 🕸️spiders, 🪳insects and anything that they find on their way.
- 🕓 Date: 5th September
- 🕓 Time: 10 to 11:30 AM
- 💰 Fees: Free.
Register at
The joy of learning Science
About the Program “Light travels in a straight line.”
Students often learn science as a book of facts to be understood or memorized. On the contrary, the process of science is full of thrill, excitement, experimenting, evidence based thinking, and sometimes the joy of discovery. Science thus becomes a way of thinking and knowing the world rather than just a ‘subject’.
Question 1: Will it be good if our students too are given an opportunity to go through this exciting and engaging process of science?
Question 2: If yes, how can we provide this in the classrooms, given the different constraints?
Having a discussion on these two questions, and inspiring the participants to become life-long learners is the main goal of our program.
Why Attend This Program?
- Discuss ideas to make science classes more engaging, both online and offline, with a focus on making virtual sessions engaging using different technological tools and techniques
- Engage in interesting scientific explorations and experiments
- Experience the fun of problem solving and the joy of discovery
- Practical ideas to improve the skills like observation, curiosity, critical thinking of your students
- Teacher Professional Development
- Opportunity to network with fellow participants from diverse backgrounds
- Get an E-Certificate after successful completion of the course
- Duration: 90 mins session
- 6 sessions(online) with continuous offline engagement
- Ideal weekly time commitment from teachers: 90 minutes online session + ~1 hour per week of offline engagements
- To get a glimpse of what we do and how we do, you can watch this introductory session(19th July,2021): The joy of learning science through the scientific process
- Session 1 (7th August, Saturday): Building Student’s observation skills
- Session 2 (14th August, Saturday): Introduction to inquiry and implementation
- Session 3 (21st August, Saturday): Questioning, addressing the questions
- Session 4 (28th August, Saturday): Anchoring and investigative phenomenon
- Session 5 (4th September, Saturday): Alternate conceptions in the classrooms and addressing them
- Session 6 (11th September, Saturday): Aligning learning outcomes and pedagogies to assessments
Program Details
The discussion will take place in the backdrop of some intriguing science explorations right from the school curriculum itself. In our experience, this approach brings alive science classrooms in both, the online and offline modes.
The module will be executed through 6 sessions of online interactions along with offline interactions in between the sessions with interested participants. The final session flow will be decided based on the interests of registered participants. This will be determined through a pre-workshop survey. The general outline of the workshop is as follows:
Timing: 4:00 - 5:30 PM for all the 6 sessions below.
Who Should Enroll? The course is aimed at school teachers and educators interested in science education and pedagogy. The course is open for teachers across all classes
Fill the form to register for the full paid course:
For any concerns or clarifications, you can reach out to us at
Check this out for our philosophy behind learning:
Teachers as first line counsellors
Are you struggling to effectively engage with students online? 🖥️
- 🕓 Time: 4 to 5: 30 pm
- 💰 Fees: Rs. 960/- Scholarships available. Please don't hesitate to get in touch if cost is an issue.
Are you concerned about the students who refuse to communicate? 🔓
This workshop will help you!🤝🏽
✅ Learn effective ways of communicating with different age groups
✅ Some simple and effective counselling skills to deal with mental health issues of children
✅ Become a better parent and a teacher
Starting from 9th July, Fridays and Saturdays (4 sessions)
Register at
Dialogue on Learning- How to bring out the joy of doing math?
About the Program “To find if a number is divisible by 3, just add its digits and check if this sum is divisible by 3”.
Most often, students learn mathematics by simply being told the different methods and properties. On the contrary, for a mathematician, this process is an adventure. There is a lot of wonder, lots of playing around with mathematical objects, thrill of experiencing twists and turns during the process, and finally, in some cases, the joy of discovery.
Question 1: Will it be good if our students too are given an opportunity to go through what a mathematician goes through?
Question 2: If yes, how can we provide this in the classrooms, given the different constraints?
Having a discussion on these two questions, and motivating the participants to become independent mathematical explorers is the main goal of our program.
Why Attend This Program?
- Make the process of Maths joyful and enriching for both yourselves & students. Experience the fun of problem solving and the joy of discovery
- Cultivate & enhance skills like observation, questioning, curiosity, critical thinking & reasoning, mathematical thinking of yourselves & your students
- Adapt to pedagogies like inquiry, discovery, discussion & analysis-based teaching learning methods
- Take forward leaps in becoming NEP-ready & your journey of Professional Development
- Opportunity to network & discuss with fellow participants from diverse backgrounds
- Get an E-Certificate after successful completion of the course
- Duration: 90 mins session
- 5 program sessions(online) on consecutive Saturdays starting from June 19: Jun 19, 26, July 3, 10 and 17.
- Timing: 4:00 - 5:30 PM for all the 5 sessions.
- Continuous offline engagement
- Ideal weekly time commitment from teachers: 90 minutes online session + ~1 hour per week of offline engagements
- Fee: Rs. 2370/-
The pedagogical discussion will take place in the backdrop of some beautiful mathematical explorations arising right from school mathematics itself. Some recreational math topics will also be taken up for exploration. Further, the dialogue and explorations will be seasoned with interesting episodes about mathematics and mathematicians. We hope that this will motivate the participants to undertake a further study of the fascinating history of the subject.
The exploratory topics that will be taken during the workshop are (not necessarily in the following order)
- Problems from recreational mathematics
- Why we don’t have SSA congruency, and more on triangles
- Make your own formulae: An encounter with Algebra
- On one of the oldest mathematical procedure : The Euclidean Algorithm
- Topic of popular demand* * Participants can suggest special mathematical topics that they are interested in exploring which may be considered for this session.
Who Should Enroll? The course is aimed at school teachers, educators, home-schooling parents interested in math education & pedagogy. The course is open for teachers across all classes.
Fill the form to register for the full paid course: Click here to register
For any concerns or clarifications, you can reach out to us on +91-9591126049.
Check this out for philosophy behind the course:
The Teachers' Corner
A monthly collaborative space to share research-backed ideas and experiences on teaching.
- Day and time: Every third tuesday of the month at 4:00 PM
- 18th January, 2022: Assumptions in teaching and learning
- 21st September: What did you ask at school today? A book discussion + informal chat with the author (Kamala V. Mukunda)
- 17th August: The pleasure of finding things out
- 22nd June: Making learning joyful
- 25th May: Covid, learning and teachers' health
- 27th April: Science of Learning
- 16th March: Why/how we teach what we teach
- 16th Feb: Transforming Educator's Lament into educator's delight
- 19th Jan: Science of curiosity
If you would like to participate in these sessions, please fill this form.
Explore@Home 2.0
Let's go to the next level in our explorations (only for S2S alumni).
Plan for these sessions is following
- Timeline: 8 sessions on a weekly basis for science and math each. Students can select either the stream of science, math or both.
- Timings: Science- Tuesday (starting 20th Oct.), 4pm to 5:30 pm and Math - Fridays (starting 23rd Oct.), 4pm to 5:30 pm
- Cost: 3000/- per stream. Parents who have problems with complete payment, can get in touch with us
- Age group: 11-13 (Class 6-7)
If you would like to participate in these sessions, please fill this form.
For any concerns or clarifications, you can reach out to us on +91-8197897263.
Looking forward to this next phase of sessions with students.
Explore@Home: Curio
This festive season, we are going on an exciting journey of exploration and discovery with an array of hand-picked themes. A unique active learning experience for students to observe, explore, discover and enjoy. Join us, as we break the silos of disciplines and take a deeper look into these themes through the lens of science, math, history and more...
We have curated a variety of exciting, interdisciplinary topics for you. Go ahead and pick one or more from the list...
- Age group: 10-13 (Class 5-7)
- Through Ice: A cool exploration into the physics, chemistry and biology of ice. Session dates: 2, 5, 9, 12 November 2020.
- Binary Binge: A step into the world of computational thinking that predates computers. Sessions dates: 16, 19, 23, 26 November 2020.
- Invisible Life: A deep look into the invisible life that surrounds us, from curd to Covid. Session dates: 30 November 2020, 3, 7, 10 December.
- Time's up: An overview of the science and math behind clocks and calendars leading up to the motions of heaven and earth. Session dates: 14, 17, 20, 23 December 2020.
- Each theme consists of four sessions
- Sessions will be exploratory in nature, making use of simple everyday objects
- Days: Sessions will be on Mondays & Thursdays
- Timings (India): 4:00 – 5:30 PM
- Timings (USA): 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (EST), 10:30 AM - 12:00 PM (CST), 8:30 AM - 10:00 (PDT)
- Batch size Batch size will be limited to 20 students
To register for Indian Participants, fill the form here:
To register for USA Participants, fill the form here:
For any concerns or clarifications, you can reach out to us on or +91-8197897263